EV Charging Port

Not all drivers have electric vehicle charging ports at home. Hire Solar On to make the most of your North Carolina home.
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Electric Vehicle Charging Ports

Purchasing a greener car doesn’t make sense without electric vehicle charging ports. However, many North Carolina homeowners don’t realize all of their available choices. Having an at-home charging port ensures you never run out of power. It acts as a fuel pump in your garage, delivering affordable energy every day. One of the many ways we serve our community is with charging port installation. If you’ve been putting off purchasing an electric vehicle, now is your chance to upgrade. We know the Tar Heel State doesn’t have many stations outside of major cities, and no one really wants to waste time at the mall while they charge their car. Instead, bring the refueling station to your home with Solar On charging ports.


Homeowners who are serious about reducing their carbon footprint love their charging ports. When you have solar installed, it makes charging your car highly affordable. Many countries, including the US, are pushing manufacturers to abandon fossil fuels. Eventually, most homes will need charging ports installed, putting you ahead of the game. Drivers of e-vehicles often struggle to find a charging port while out and about. Having one installed at home ensures you never run out of juice. Vehicles that recharge via the grid can cost consumers quite a bit. Make your electric car more cost-effective than ever before.
Residents might not know that there are several types of chargers and ports. Knowing which one you need prevents many issues later on. Charging ports are installed as either a level one, two, or three station. The higher the level, the more output the system has and the faster it charges. Which port you need depends on the type of power connection you use. Whether the vehicle is American or European can also affect that choice. There are many variables to include when choosing your electric vehicle charging port. Make sure you get the best results possible and contact us.
Solar panels are an ideal way to operate your at-home recharging station. However, it only works when you install enough panels to fuel your car. That number is also determined by how many miles you plan on driving. If you have long daily commutes, you may need to install more panels. Different vehicles and batteries have specific considerations for drivers to make. The first step should be to contact us so we can discuss all of your needs. Homeowners with both solar panels and electric vehicles could also qualify for tax incentives. Call us today and discover all of the possible cost savings with affordable at-home charging.
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Contact Us to Install Your Electric Vehicle Charging Ports

Going green doesn’t make sense unless you can recharge your car at home. Make sure you utilize your solar system to its fullest potential. Our local contractors assist you in discovering the best configuration for your household. Enjoy clean, renewable power for appliances and vehicles with one installation team. Contact Solar On for your electric vehicle charging ports.